Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Why does the good news always come with some bad

I had my one year post-transplant check up and biopsy. The good news is that the biopsy were results were great. I am still cancer free and will likely remain that way. I am still experiencing pain in my back and legs and am currently sick with some kind of cold that wants to move into my lungs.

That bad news is that our beloved Cat, Tara, died on Monday, January, 08th. She was such an integral part of our lives that it is hard to imagine what the future holds without her. We are both very torn up about her death, but luckily we were able to be with her at the end and her passing was a very sacred moment. I will cherish that moment forever--knowing that I could comfort her and look into her eyes and tell her that I loved her the moment she died. We then cleaned her up and sat with her for a long while. the rest is private and belongs to Sara, Tara and I.



Anonymous said...

Hi JJ,

Let me be the first to congratulate you on the great news about your disease - or should I say - lack of it. We here in Annapolis are thrilled for you and hope that you continue on your quest for the meaning of life without the burden of cancer hanging over your head. Of course, we were very saddened to hear about Tara's passing, but it was heartwarming to hear your story of her last moments. I'm sure she will be dearly missed.

Matt is hanging in there, but as you know, every day brings new challenges with it. In some ways, life in Minneapolis was much easier for us all - that is, much simpler and we seemed to know what to expect. Now that we're home and wanting to get back to our normal lives, we are realizing that "normal" may never be what it once was and we struggle to adjust. I'm sure you and Sara know exactly how we feel.

Our love to you and Sara,

Sylvia and the whole Annapolis crew

Anonymous said...

awe JJ... great news about the biopsy results, but sad about your Tara. We lost my dear chocolate lab, Josie, on Saturday. She was a very important member of our family, as I know your baby girl was. My thoughts are with you and yours. jenn

Anonymous said...


Just found a note in my purse with your blog address, and wanted to check in to see how you're doing. What wonderful news about your biopsy! You are amazing!! Apparently you've come a long way since we last saw you at Fairview-University Unit 6A last year. I'm so glad to hear that you and Sara and doing so well. We feel lucky that we got to meet both of you during those the hospital stays... it was definitely a bright spot for us!

Todd is still plugging along ... he had surgery in May to remove metastic disease from both lungs, but it grew right back by September. He's currently on chemo and we're both trying to ignore what the doctor tells us about the odds of survival. Anyway, if you ever want to reach us or keep tabs, his website is www.caringbridge.org/visit/toddandrews.

Anyway, enough about that. I'm so sorry to here about Tara. Our dog Tucker is our baby and we understand how pets become such an important part of the family. I'm really very sorry for your loss.

Take care!

Karen & Todd Andrews

Anonymous said...

Hi JJ,

So glad to hear about your biopsy results. I'm still sending you some good chi energy daily.

So sad to hear about your cat. She sounds like a sweetie.

I have a friend with leukemia here in the Bay Area who is not doing as well as you. She's in the hospital right now. If you have a moment and can talk to her, please let me know and I'll pass on contact info. And if you know of any good (or bad) jokes that you could tell her, that would be great too. I think she appreciates them.

Much love,

Anonymous said...

Hey JJ and Sara,
I am so glad to hear you continue to be cancer free, and I am sorry for the loss of Tara. I am thinking of the two of you and have just caught myself up after a long absence. The winter in boulder has been very chilly, glad to see the sun shining again. . . love to you, BEka

Unknown said...

My furry babies are a huge part of my life. They always knew when I was hurting and seemed to give me extra 'cat love' while I healed from my many surgeries.

I am glad that you had such a being in your life, and that you continue to get good news on your recovery.

WaterBishop said...

Congrats on your biopsy. I am so sorry to hear about Tara. She was very loved.