Sunday, July 16, 2006

Brother on the path

Some of you may have noticed a sub-adventure going on on the blog. A friend of a friend had been following our story closely and was inspired by our battles. He was so inspired that he decided to get AML and come the U for a Umblical cordblood transplant. (Just kidding about choosing, but he is here). Before he went in, Sara and I got together with him (Matt) and his girlfriend Ellen. On this past wednesday he went into the hospital to start his transplant. He is doing a course of several chemo drugs and several rounds of total body irradiation. On his first radiation, which was saturday morning at 8am, I went with him, along with ellen and his parents. Matt, i hope this is ok to say, but he was a little fearful of the radiation--I think most would be. He took it like a champion and he seems to be doing well so far. My hope is that he will sail through this with minimal side effects.
Though we just met I feel extremely close to Matt and Ellen and I hope we remain friends for many years (decades). Please all of you who have support me and prayed for me, direct your love to Matt too. He is a great guy.

PS He has a blog too, but I can't find the address, but as soon as I do I will let you know.
Here is the address


Anonymous said...

J.J. I'm so glad you two connected. I will keep him (and you) in my thoughts. DCF

Anonymous said...

Hey, J.J.

This is Sarah--friend of Dan Fisher and also friend of Ellen. Dan sent out the link to your blog at one point when there was a universal prayer time for you, asking everyone he knew to pray for you. I did, along with many others, and I also sent the blog to Ellen because the situation seemed so similar. And now you met! Too bad it's because Matt's cancer came back...but at least the connection is there. Thanks for being there for my friends now that you're doing better. It makes me feel so much better to know they have you there during this time.

Here's to a full, complete recovery and long happy lives for you and Matt. You both continue to be in my prayers.


Sarah :^)

Anonymous said...

Hi JJ,

This is Chandana, friend of Matt's from when he worked in NJ. I am so very happy he has found a great guy like you and so thankful for all your support and friendship toward Matt.

Wishing you all the very best,