Friday, November 17, 2006

Disappointing week

This week has been rather hard for us on several fronts. First, we had several appointments, including one with a new pain Doc and another with a new Spine surgeon. After my battle with chronic pain over the last few years, we were hoping that an implanted morphine pump was a final solution, but for several reasons, the doctor will not do it. He believes that I will be too open to a meningitis infection, also he does not believe that the pain I have will be helped by the pump.
The spine doc does not believe that he can do anything for me because I am basically too young for concrete injections and not acute enough for anything else.
Beyond this, are new good friends and are partners on the BMT path have left for home. This is so wonderful for them and we are overjoyed that they get to go home. But, we will miss their presence, their company and especially their understanding. My hope is that our friendship continues for a very long time.
Well, I am gonna go and read. Good night.


Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry to hear about this disappointment. Pain is no fun! I wish you relief and ease. Love, Erica

Anonymous said...

Hey, JJ,

I'm sorry about the disappointing appointment too!

I'm sure Ellen and Matt will remain in touch.

Sending some peace from Boston,

Sarah :^)

Anonymous said...

Thinking of you and doing metta for you here in India, my friend. With lots of love always, Danny