Wednesday, November 01, 2006

The Inevitability of Love

Some heart-breaking news has hit our happy and beautiful home. It seems that Sara and I have already been going through a Jobian experienece, with my Cancer, treatment, recovery, and all else. But, now something else...something much more devastating . Our heart, our love, our wonderful cat Tara is dying of what else, cancer. She has a tumor on her tongue that makes it hard to impossible to eat. The eventual outcome of this cancer is starvation. We already have to spoon feed her or fill a syringe with food and shoot it into her mouth. Unfortunately, it only takes from a week to several months for this cancer to kill. Since Tara is already very small... We have also already noticed a decrease in her eating habits.

Tara has been with us through everything, through all of my pain and all of my joy...she has been my rock and my refuge, she has kept me sane when nothing else would. Anywords that I say about her are too little, not enough, not beautiful enough to describe her heart and her ability to love me and now to love Sara. To say she will be miss is to say the ocean is just water.

My Tara...


Anonymous said...

Hi JJ -- I'm so sorry to hear (read) about Tara's cancer. Man, what a totally sucky deal. I hope you can have a good time together with what she has left. Sorry too about your bone and kidney and pain problems. Keep hanging in there.

Anonymous said...

I'm very sorry about your Tara. May you enjoy the time you have.

Anonymous said...


Just thinking of you and Sara and Tara. I am sending huge big hugs and love your way.



The Creator said...

jj -

thinking of all of you. i am so sad to hear of tara's illness. love - wch