Wednesday, January 04, 2006

A Letter of Love to Sara in 24 Movements

Part 1.

I see you across campus in the winter moon, which is obscured by the clocktower’s rays. You are not hard to spot, though we were trying to be inconspicuous. You have your giant weird Peruvian mountain, which I shyly commented to you earlier as being cool, though truly thought was hideous. We write messages of rebellion, I cannot even remember why, but it seemed important enough at the Time. Me semi -eader of ragtag ‘activists’ “I’ll go with sara”, we chalk and laugh, you lightly demonstrate quirks about yourself that I now still both love and deride…ahh, yes, of course, that is the right colour and I apologize for obviously putting this off center.

Snow brushes off a Pine and obscures my sight of your beautiful eyes, I gasp, the snow is gone…yes she is the one. We reconnect with others; you and I head off to my house. Why is she still wearing that stupid hat, we are inside? I guess she likes…I like her, I should learn to like the hat…maybe. Are you hungry? I cook for you for the first time, Butter noodles and Greek seasoning…You smile, I want to melt, but that hat and why is she suddenly so red where the knot is. And then I figure it out…Yes She is the one.

Untie the knot, unite the soul.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing this memory. I think of the two of you often and send love to you,

Sandra said...

This is beautiful. I have read through much of your blog and have been truly touched. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family as you travel this journey.