Thursday, September 15, 2005

Another Day, Another few dead blood cells

So, the point of my chemotherapy is to kill the cancer cells. Unfortunately, the normal cells look no different from the cancerous cells, well at least to the timy little chemical molecules, can you imagine how cute their little itty bitty eyes would be...ok,, the chemo just kills all of my blood cells it comes in contact with. One consequence is that it kills much of my platlets, which means that I bruise easily, and I can bleed severly if I am cut, if they get too low, I could bleed spontaneously inside, like in my brain.
Two, It kills my red blood cells, these cells carry oxygen, so they give you a lot of energy. When I am low I can really feel it and I totally feel like a vampire...I do look over my shoulder to see if wesley snipes is coming to kill me, but then they give me a few transfusion and I feel great for a few days. If they weren't so risky I am sure they would open up blood bars, cause it is totally like a quadruple triple espresso.
Three, it kills my white blood cells, including the bad leukemia cells and the good neutrophil cells. Good when it kills the leukemic cells, bad when it kills the neutrophils. Neutrophils are our first defense against disease. Most people have 1.6-8.3 10^9/L in their blood, right now I am under 0.3 10^9/ is so low that they stop counting, it is basically undetectable. This means that I am extremely succeptible to illnesses like colds, and other such things, expecially respritory stuff. When I am out of my hospital room I have to where a mask and when anyone comes in they have to wash their hands with anti-septic soap stuff. This is perhaps the most dangerous part of my treatment. I must not get sick from something because my body cannot fight it, even a cold could kill me!
So, I already told you they stopped my treatment and that we hope that I got enough anyways, and now I must wait until my next biopsy which is on Friday, Sept. 23. The results of which will tell us where we go next.
Well, this is a little practical update. I hope you enjoyed it and I hope you all are doing well.


JJ said...

Of course, I read these, and I love to hear from you. How was your wedding? How is married life? I hope you are blissful. What's goin on at old Naropa?
Love ya,

Anonymous said...

Hi JJ: I hope you're feeling better or at least ok. Stupid cancer, stupid chemo. Anyway, hope the biopsy on Friday gives good news for once. thinking about you. Leslie, a coworker of your mom

Anonymous said...

jj. i continue to read your practical analytical stuff along with your witty comments and am increasingly in awe of life and all that we take out of it. you and all your family are always in my thoughts. i am inspired by all the love.

Zoey L. said...

Doing alright buddy? Haven't heard from you for a while. Can we get an update? (brother, JJ's Mom...can you jump in if cancerboy is unable?)