Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Bad blogger...bad blogger

Ok, so its been awhile, I know I know I am sorry. And I know excuses are lame and often just plain lies but here are my excuses. I am having major computer issues and using there computer means that I have stand the whole time I am typing, and well frankly, I am a wuss and I can't stand up for more than 20 minutes or so. Also, I don't know whether it is due to chemo or due to the new and much higher amount of narcotics, but I am sleeping a lot...I am maybe awake for five hours.
Anyways, now my computer seems to be behaving (unless I just jinxed it) so now I can write sitting down. Also, I am getting more used to the narcotic and do not sleep as much. Well, I suppose since it has been quite a while since I have last posted, I should give some sort of an update. I have not gotten all of my results back from the biopsy, but they did say that the aspirate (the juice of the marrow) was low in cells and that none of those cells were leukemic. It does not say anything about what is in the core. We will get these results either today or tomorrow.
I also am experiencing a hell of a lot of pain. Consequently I am on a lot of narcotics, which barely lower the pain, but do make me feel spacey. There are times when I can barely move, other times where I cry out in agony, I have to wear stupid anti-embellism socks and well it just basically sucks. It feels like if its not one thing its another. Well, Sara and Laura just showed up so I must go, I will try to write more later.
Love you all,
PS I promise to be better about writting, even if I have to stand up.


Anonymous said...

JJ - Thank you for checking in again. I have missed reading your entries. They have been so inspiring and challenging (in a good way). I so admire your courage in all of this and, especially, in sharing this journey with all of us. Thank you! You are in my thoughts and prayers every day.
- Pat (co-worker of your mom's)

Zoey L. said...

Thanks for the update. Wasn't trying to give you grief...I figured you were struggling a bit. I've tried to call, but I think you've been asleep. I'll keep trying, but you keep getting whatever rest and comfort you need.

Let us know about the new biopsy. Fingers crossed, rabit's foot rubbed, black cats don't even approach my path, tea leaves look good, the air is right, and all the rest.

Anonymous said...

I'm sending you chi (qi) every day whether you blog or not.


Anonymous said...

I'm sending you chi (qi) every day whether you blog or not.

Ditto. Love, DCF