Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Its been awhile...

I am sorry that I haven't written anything in a while. For one, I am back in the hospital for the HD Ara-c treatment and my computer was not hooked up to the internet, and I would have had to stand up to write a posting, and that would have been too hard for me.
The last few days have been really hard. This treatment is really kicking my ass and in fact my doctors have stopped my treatment early for fear of permanent brain damage. Last night, during my treatment I started shaking and flinch without control. So they do not wish to risk damageing my premanently. In addition to all of this, I have been totally shot of energy, and my appetite is non-existent. Even when I try to force myself to eat, I can not eat very much, a few bites and then I get sick of it. I have been sleeping most of the day, but today I am getting two packs of red blood cells, so I should have a little more energy over the next few days.
I hope all of you are doing well. I will try to write more soon.
AKA Twitchy boy.


Anonymous said...


Thinking about you today. I was flipping stations on the radio in my car and there was a song about baby jesus on a christian radio station and I immediately pictured you doing your "baby jesus" prayer. Your sense of humor has astounded me from the day we met. You rock.

Sending my love,

jennifer juniper

Zoey L. said...

Oh man, that sounds pretty tough. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Anonymous said...

J.J.: My thoughts are prayers are with you, as well. With much love, Danny

Anonymous said...

I'm sending you good chi (qi). Love and ease, Erica