Tuesday, August 23, 2005

New Feature

Hello all,
It is a beautiful Minnesota day today...ahh, so this is why we live here!
You can now email a posting to someone or to yourself by clicking on the little envelope thingy.
I also hope that I fixed the picture thing...My mother, who keeps me quite updated on the status of my blog, sometimes with several calls a day...;), told me that she could not see the pictures. Can you now? I hope so, cause I am fresh out of ideas. Must contact blogmaster Tyler.

I know I promised to finish a series a few days ago, I am going to try to work on it today, but I also need to finish a few books I am reading. One is The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy...oh my God, if you have not read this book, you must, I usually try not to recommend books, like I am some expert on fine writing, but she has stunned me more times with the beauty of her writing than anyone, but, of course, my beloved Faulkner. She is, however, the only person to make my heart stop, breath stop, and cause me to re-read a section for the pure beauty of the writing. Go outand buy this book, you will not miss the $13.00.

That is all for now, I must go shower, I stink. Gotta love chemo coming out of the pores. And Tara is wailing...again. Deaf (sorry, hearing impaired) cats are louder than full-hearing cats...scientific fact.


Oh, yeah, I just read that Pat Robertson called for the assaination of President Chavez of Venezuela...I am sure he meant that in the most Christ-like way possible. What would Jesus Bomb? As Stuart Davis, songwriter, says in one of his songs, WWIII, He would 'bomb your ass with love'.

1 comment:

Zoey L. said...

I can see all the pictures. Maybe you fixed the problem???