Sunday, August 14, 2005

Poison to live to die

The second choice is rather more simple. It would be the choice to recieve induction treatment to give me several more weeks, perhaps, months and then wait for death to come. I can see the validity in this decision, if the prognosis was really bad. This is rather more straightforward in other types of cancer, such as a breast cancer. One can be put into stages. There are no such stages in leukemia. I was never told, nor could I be told that I am in stage 4 leukemia. This makes leukemia a bit of an elusive cat. You think you see its tail across the field and all the while its been rubbing against your legs. In other words, in leukemia, things could be 'going bad' and they make a dramatic turn for the better. This happened to me the first time. I was horribly sick and the situation looked to getting worse and then poof (I am sure it wasn't poof to those around me) and I started to get better. In the same vein, things could be looking great and a virus or bacteria makes it home and you die quickly. Or sometimes the 'strain' of leukemia you have is particularly virulent. Things can happen so quickly that planning with leukemia is nearly impossible. This choice also was never a real choice for me.

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